SJCO Small Business Grant Application
*Applications are now open!*
What is the Small Business Grant?
The Small Business Grant was formerly known as the Storefront Improvement Grant.
St. Johns Center for Opportunity (SJCO) has invested more than $241,000 in commercial improvement projects in downtown St. Johns since 2014. This cycle, SJCO will distribute up to a total of $40,000 to businesses and commercial property owners in the St. Johns Urban Renewal Area. The goal of this grant is to support businesses and property owners in making permanent district improvements through a community-driven process.
Applicants may apply for a grant of $250 - $5,000 for their project. Applications are now open and will be reviewed on a rolling basis through June 30, 2025 at 5:00pm. If your application is approved, work must be completed by August 31, 2025.
To fill out the application, click on the blue Grant Application button below, then click on File, select Make a Copy, then fill out the copy. (Do not request edit access, as it will not be given. Instead, make a copy and fill out the copy.)
You can also print the application and fill it out by hand. Or email us to request a paper copy.
Who Can Apply?
Commercial building owners and/or tenants with lease and authorization from the property owner may apply. Tenants must have a minimum of two years remaining on their lease or an option to renew. The business does not need to be located on the ground level in a traditional storefront space to be eligible.
Applications from religious or political institutions will not be considered. Applications from applicants who have committed or attempted to commit fraud will not be considered.
St Johns Boxing updated their signage, completed in 2023.
Priority will be given to historically marginalized communities including people of color, refugees and immigrants, women, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and/or low-income individuals. Priority will be given to first-time applicants and applicants who have received the grant fewer than three times previously.
The project site must be located in the Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative Investment Area.
To determine whether your location is eligible, type the address into Portland Maps (
Click the “Permits & Zoning” button.
Click the “Zoning & Districts” button.
On the resulting page, scroll down to the “Development Areas ” section.
If the property is located within the eligible area, it will say “Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative Investment Area: Yes” in this section.
SJCO does not control these boundaries and does not have authority to provide grant funding for projects located outside of this area. If you need help determining whether your property is eligible, please contact us at
Grant Eligibility Area Map
This map is for visual reference only. The area shaded in Pink (link to map) is eligible for the Small Business Grant. We still recommend businesses use the Portland Maps link to verify eligibility.
What Projects are Eligible?
Revolutions Bookshop updated their HVAC system to an energy-efficient heat pump, completed in 2023.
Climate resilience projects such as energy efficient heating/cooling systems, passive energy projects, and insulation improvements
ADA accessibility improvements
Exterior and interior lighting
Street trees
Stationary garbage cans
Bike racks
Awning removal or replacement
Water efficient landscaping, including stationary planters, native and storm water gardens, and pavement removal
Exterior or interior paint
Façade improvements
Door/window replacement
Permanent signage
Permanent security measures (security gates, mounted security cameras, roll-down security doors, etc)
Support people of color, immigrants, women, LGBTQ+ and/or low-income individuals
Include a plan for ongoing maintenance
Promote sustainability
Utilize local vendors
Are compatible with SJCO goals
Have high impact on the district
Are highly feasible
Projects must conform to Portland Zoning Code and be approved by SJCO. Work must be performed by a licensed contractor.
What types of projects are not eligible?
Extensive deferred maintenance, such as power washing, major redesign, or structural work
Movable items, such as landscaping pots, interior seating, display cases, and A-boards; the grant is for permanent improvements to the district
DIY projects and any work not completed by licensed contractors
ANY work begun or paid for prior to approval of application
Who can perform the work?
Havalina built an ADA accessible bar, completed in 2023.
For almost all projects, work must be completed by a licensed contractor. Murals and decals may be installed by an artist operating a licensed business. Remember, DIY projects are NOT eligible. You must submit a bid with your application and should verify their license with the appropriate agency, such as the Construction Contractors Board or Oregon Landscape Contractors Board.
Do I need my landlord’s approval?
If you are not the property owner, you must have your landlord sign your application giving their permission for the work (see page 9).
What is a “matching” grant?
This is a matching grant program, which means the applicant pays a portion of the improvement and SJCO pays a portion. Typically, the amount of the match is at least 1:1 — for every $2 of project cost, the applicant pays $1 and SJCO pays $1. We will consider matching above 50% if there is demonstrated financial need. The maximum grant contribution by SJCO is $5,000 per project.
How do I know if I am approved?
Applicants are typically notified within one month of submitting a complete application. Approved projects will receive a letter of commitment from SJCO for the award amount via email. Upon receipt of the letter of commitment, the applicant must sign and return a Grant Agreement, and then may proceed with the project. Projects must be completed within the grant timeline, unless extended by SJCO. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all required permits, conforming with all applicable safety standards and conditions, and agrees to assume full responsibility for maintenance of the project after completion.
SJCO may promote an approved project including, but not limited to, displaying an SJCO sign at the site during and after construction and using photographs and descriptions of the project in SJCO’s marketing materials.
Once completed, how do I receive the funds?
Having moved into the former Toys & More storefront, it was time for Cookie Monsterz to add their own sign!
Grant funds are disbursed on a reimbursement basis and are issued after the project has been completed. You must pay your licensed contractor in full before you can receive your grant funds from SJCO. To receive your check, you must submit all of the following:
High resolution “after” photo
Proof of payment in full to contractor - credit/debit card receipt, canceled check, or invoice marked “paid in full”
W-9 form - use information for your desired payment recipient.
SJCO will review the completed project to ensure that the work performed is the same as the work approved.
If projects are not on track to be completed by August 31, 2025 the business or property owner must receive written consent from our Executive Director to extend their deadline. SJCO reserves the right to terminate the agreement if work is not completed by the deadline in order to ensure the funding is put to use in the community within the time frame of each grant cycle.
Low-income applicants may apply for up-front funding
To reduce barriers to access, SJCO may disburse up to 50% of grant funds up front to the grant recipient or directly to the grant recipient’s contractor if the grant recipient has demonstrated financial need. SJCO will make this decision on a case-by-case basis. Once the project is completed, the same proof of completion as above will be required in order for the grant recipient to receive the remainder of the grant funds.
How are grant decisions made?
A committee of SJCO’s staff and volunteer board members meets monthly during the grant cycle to review, discuss, and approve or decline grant applications.
The grant cycle may have a rolling time frame. If SJCO chooses to adjust this process, we will publish the information publicly on the application on our website.
February 2025: Applications open
February 2025 - June 30, 2025: Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis through June 30, 2025 at 5:00pm. Submit early for best consideration.
Monthly through June 30, 2025: Applicants are notified of the status of their project application; letters of commitment are issued. If approved, up-front funding is disbursed.
August 31, 2025: Project must be completed and documentation submitted for reimbursement. Grant dollars will be reimbursed to applicants within three to four weeks of submission of their final report.
How do I apply?
The application is on pages 7-10. Make sure to completely fill out every question, and submit all additional materials as detailed on the application checklist.
To fill out the application on the computer, go to File, Make a Copy, save the document, and type your answers directly into the saved copy of this document.
You can also print the application and hand write your answers. If you would like a printed copy supplied to you, contact
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. The due date for applications is June 30, 2025 at 5:00pm.
Submit by email:
Submit by mail:
St. Johns Center for Opportunity
8316 N. Lombard St. #370
Portland OR 97203
Have questions?
Heat installation in exterior seating area at Stormbreaker Brewing, completed in 2019.