Become A Sponsor
We are seeking sponsors for St. Johns Center for Opportunity! As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, SJCO will provide you with a tax receipt for your tax-deductible contribution. Our 501c3 tax exempt # is: 27-2243614.
A La Carte
Choose One Benefit Below ($250)
Logo with reciprocal link on our website
Table on one St. Johns Farmers Market Day* - Dates and space assignments are offered on an “As Available” basis no earlier than April 1. On-site sales are not permitted by sponsors. If you wish to appear on our market map, you must submit a vendor application and select “sponsor” as your vendor type.
Questions? Contact or (503) 433-2415.
Sponsorship Packages
Benefit: |
Friend ($500) |
Neighbor ($1000) |
Presenting ($5000) |
Logo with reciprocal link on our website | |||
Logo with reciprocal link in St. Johns Center for Opportunity Newsletter | |||
Thank you post on Facebook and Instagram Accounts | |||
Logo on printed materials, including Farmers Market poster (Annual Deadline of March 1) | |||
Logo on Farmers Market Banner at Information Booth | |||
Handouts Distributed for your Organization | |||
Table at Farmers Market on Unlimited Dates of Sponsor's Choosing Sponsor selects booth location (annual deadline for date/space selection for presenting sponsors is March 1 and on an as-available basis thereafter)* |
"Presented by" credit | |||
Sponsor Involved in Programming | |||
*All on-site tabling requires organization to carry event liability insurance naming “St. Johns Center for Opportunity” as an additional insured.
Mail or drop off sponsorship checks to:
St. Johns Center for Opportunity
8315 N Lombard #370
Portland, OR, 97203
Include your contact information: Name, Email, Mailing Address, Phone, and Organization